The Leader’s Greatest (Part 2)

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2 thoughts on “The Leader’s Greatest (Part 2)”

  1. Avatar photo

    This week’s “Leader’s Greatest” has five, so let’s dive right in!

    1) Leader’s greatest opportunity: today. Our strength lies in the present.

    So many of us INSIST on living in the past. We continually condemn ourselves for our failures and shortcomings; it would serve us well to learn from Philippians 3:13-14a: “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on…..”. Indeed today, and the rest of our lives, is ahead of us. Let us not waste it living in the past. For example, there are days when I let times pass, and I waste it. I have learned to pick myself up and move on rather than waste more time berating myself.

    2) Leader’s greatest loss: hope. Keep hope alive among the people.

    First and last, the task of a leader is to keep hope alive. Hope for a better world. If the leader loses hope, so do the people. This is why I hate complaining. Aside from a gazillion other negative results of complaining. It robs us of hope. Watch our social media posts – they are devoid of complaining and filled with hope!

    3) Leader’s greatest liability: insecurity – ½ of the harm done in this world is done by leaders who want to be important.

    Insecure leaders can never empower or free people; they handcuff people. You need to be more concerned about how your people look than how you look. Be concerned about their success. Study your people and set them up for success by releasing them in areas where they can use their strengths and gifts.

    4) Leader’s greatest motivation: A challenge. How do you spot a leader? They love a challenge. Yes! What is the next big, hairy, audacious goal God has ahead of us????!!!! What is the next mountain we are climbing????!!! What is the next impossible we will attempt with the One to Whom nothing is impossible ahead of us??????!!!!!!!

    5) Leader’s greatest moment: casting vision. Leaders are born to show people a better way. Leaders are paid to be dreamers – not dream squashers. A leader is one who sees more than others see, sees farther than others see, one who sees before others see. There is always better, and a leader is always taking his/her people there.


  2. Andrew Taylor Phan

    I really liked what Maxwell said about the leaders greatest threat being insecurity. It’s very true that the more insecure we are, the harder it gets to effectively lead others. If are afraid of others being better at something than we are, then we may never allow them to fully bring to the table all that they have to offer.
    I liked how Maxwell pointed out that what makes leaders stand apart from the rest is the ability to proactively take on a challenge. This will be a great tool in identifying new leaders

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