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Message From
Our Pastors
God created us with a longing for the Light of the World that dispels our darkness. Like the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11), both believers and unbelievers today long to be free from the bondage of condemnation, guilt, and a judgmental spirit. We long for the true grace of the gospel that has been attacked and opposed through the centuries. Jesus Himself, Paul the apostle (Romans 3:8), Martin Luther in the 16th century Reformation and many others were opposed for teaching grace. God’s response to such opposition has always been to restore the grace of the gospel with all its benefits. Indeed, we believe we live at a time that God is restoring:
1) Grace: John 8:10-11, Galatians 3:13
We are under grace and not under the curse of the law. This is why He did not allow the woman caught in adultery to be stoned even though the law demanded it. Jesus satisfied God’s wrath on the cross and became a curse for the world. Thus, God does not curse the world. Judgment is reserved for the end of the ages.
2) The believer’s identity in Christ: 2 Corinthians 5:21
Every believer becomes the very righteousness of God at salvation. As a result, God does not judge the believer.
3) Disciple-making: Matthew 28:19
EVERY single believer, not just a few “called,” fishes for souls with eternity in their mind “as they go” about their daily lives – Matthew 10:7, Matthew 4:19
THIS is Reformation 2.0! This we preach and believe. Join us!
Alexandra and Martin Tataje
Lead Pastors
NEW to New Perspective Church
Restore the world’s perception of God back to the loving, forgiving, grace-filled Jesus of John 3:17 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.”

"I love New Perspective Church because of how welcoming we are."
Tatum V.
My favorite thing about the church is the people and community and the love they have for each other.
Ziona I.

Get In Touch With Us!
(469) 279-5662
302 W 6th St
Irving, TX 75060