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    Alexandra Tataje

    Overall takeaway:
    Leadership is a) solving problems b) influence. You can only solve problems if you are growing or learning. If you can solve problems, you will have influence.

    *Don’t complain. Solve the problem.

    *Improving yourself is the first step for everything to get better. Your personal life ( relationship with yourself, your family, friends, others ); your business life; your INCOME, your relationship with God,etc, etc, etc, etc. The capacity of improving yourself is what separates you from followers.

    *Maintain a beginner’s mindset –
    You must always be learning.
    When you stop learning, you stop winning.
    When winning increases, learning decreases.
    You can learn from anyone: I have learned from Angel Guerrero, Pastor Jessica, Pastor Andrew Taylor, Pastor Alexandra, Paco, Cristal, and many others.

    *What have you learned from your failures?
    It is ok to fail; just make sure you learn something.

    *Be willing to be wrong!
    You are willing to be wrong because of your desire to change and grow. People who do not grow are unwilling to leave what they have known and practiced. They are not willing to be wrong so they can discover what is right. They cling to right and their lives turn out wrong. Surrender of being right is a prerequisite to finding right. A person that is always right never changes, and a person that never changes never grows.

  2. Wow! What a great podcast about leadership. I think everything that was said was spot on regarding “us” being the problem and not “them”.

    In leadership we must not blame others for the mistakes that were made, but we need to look at what we could have done. Not that we should condemn ourselves, but that we should objectively look at how we can lead others better.

  3. Andrew Taylor Phan

    I really believe that this lesson is extremely valuable to learn and understand. The principle of always learning from your mistakes is not just a leadership principle, but a life one as well.
    We need to be willing to be wrong, because it will allow us to grow and learn and improve… If we were always right, how would anyone learn?
    Personally I see this taking place in my own life whenever I work on a hobby or skill. If I constantly think that “only my way is right”, I will never be able to learn from people who are more experienced in the field.

  4. The most impactful (but definitely not the only) takeaway for me from this podcast was the statement “If your accomplishments from 5 years ago make you happy, you’re in trouble… If you are focused on growth, yesterday won’t thrill you much.” Wow! I hadn’t thought about learning in that way before. When growth and learning are top-tier priorities in life, you won’t be impressed by old achievements – you’ll be too involved on your current/next lesson! How can you have time to bask in old glories when you are focused on a newer one?
    It resonates with me because I want that to be true of my life with Jesus as well – I am continually being sanctified, changing wineskins as the seasons of life change. I will apply this idea by remembering that there is a time for everything – to celebrate my successes, but also to continue learning and renewing, not getting stuck on old lessons.

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