Offerings- Jesus accomplished on the cross with ONE sacrifice:
Burnt offering- righteousness of God. Satisfied the wrath of God
Peace offering- Celebrate peace with God
Grain and drink- gratefulness and joy
Purification- forgiveness and cleansing
Guilt- restitution-
Laying hands on- identification
Without blemish – Jesus
Blood- holy claims of God –
Fat- the best . Inward riches
Breast- love of God
Right Thigh- Strength of God
Martin Tataje
Those that claim they “keep” the Law because their Sabbath is on Saturday forget or don’t take into consideration that in order to “keep the Law,” they must keep ALL of it. ALL 600+ laws. You don’t get to keep and choose:
James 2:10
“For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”
For example, do those that claim to keep the law keep track of which animals have a “divided hoof and chew the cud?” according to Leviticus 11:3 in order to eat only those animals that are allowed?
How about after giving birth to a boy or a girl? Do they wait 33 days and 66 days respectively to be purified? Leviticus 12:1-5
What about when there is a rash on their skin? Do they show it to their pastor and quarantine themselves for the number of days required? Leviticus 13:1-8
No, the OT Law is obsolete, so we don’t have to keep any of it:
“By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.” Hebrews 8:13
We already have the Law of God written in our hearts, so we instinctively know what to do, such as not murder:
“Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.” Romans 2:14-15
2 thoughts on “reading for Week of 10/22/23”
Offerings- Jesus accomplished on the cross with ONE sacrifice:
Burnt offering- righteousness of God. Satisfied the wrath of God
Peace offering- Celebrate peace with God
Grain and drink- gratefulness and joy
Purification- forgiveness and cleansing
Guilt- restitution-
Laying hands on- identification
Without blemish – Jesus
Blood- holy claims of God –
Fat- the best . Inward riches
Breast- love of God
Right Thigh- Strength of God
Those that claim they “keep” the Law because their Sabbath is on Saturday forget or don’t take into consideration that in order to “keep the Law,” they must keep ALL of it. ALL 600+ laws. You don’t get to keep and choose:
James 2:10
“For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”
For example, do those that claim to keep the law keep track of which animals have a “divided hoof and chew the cud?” according to Leviticus 11:3 in order to eat only those animals that are allowed?
How about after giving birth to a boy or a girl? Do they wait 33 days and 66 days respectively to be purified? Leviticus 12:1-5
What about when there is a rash on their skin? Do they show it to their pastor and quarantine themselves for the number of days required? Leviticus 13:1-8
No, the OT Law is obsolete, so we don’t have to keep any of it:
“By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.” Hebrews 8:13
We already have the Law of God written in our hearts, so we instinctively know what to do, such as not murder:
“Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.” Romans 2:14-15